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Esteemed researchers, academicians, and all interested participants who wish to participate in TURKIC WORLD RENEWAL PERIOD INTELLECTUAL MOVEMENTS INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM are invited to prepare the abstracts of the papers they want to present by the details below and send them to us.

Required Information for Submission:

Title of your abstract
Name, surname, academic title, and institution of the author(s)
Abstract text (300-500 words)
Keywords (Maximum five keywords)
Contact information (e-mail address, phone number)

Submission Address and Deadline:

Please send your abstracts in abstract format and including the information specified above to turkdunyasi@ayu.edu.kz via e-mail. The deadline for submission of abstracts is April 25, 2024. Submissions must be accepted on time.

Evaluation Process:

The symposium scientific committee will carefully review and evaluate all submitted abstracts. Authors of accepted abstracts will be notified via e-mail and invited to make a presentation.

Participants are expected to submit full texts, which will be prepared by the symposium program, for publication after the symposium.

Your participation in this unique symposium will make an essential contribution to the field of Turkic world studies and will allow you to exchange ideas. We are excited to see you among us.

For information and inquiries, please get in touch with turkdunyasi@ayu.edu.kz

Thank you, and best wishes,

Organizing Committee of Turkıc World Renewal Perıod Intellectual Movements Internatıonal Symposıum.