EN KZ TR Contact


2nd International Scientific Conference: Current Issues in Foreign Language Education

1. Title of the article

The title of the article must be translated into Turkish and English, titles must be in capital and BOLD letters, Times New Roman-12 heckel.

2. Author(s) and address(es)

The author's first and last name (the surname is fully capitalized) are located under the title of the article, assigned 10 hk in Times New Roman font type at the bottom of the first page, indicating the author's  email address, academic degree, academic title, full name of institution (author’s affiliation) and position, ORCID number.

3. Abstract and keywords

The abstract, indicating the purpose, relevance and results of the article, should consist of a minimum of 150, maximum of 200 words. The abstract should not contain a list of references, tables and figures. Keywords must consist of a minimum of three and a maximum of five words, and must be listed after the abstract. Also, the article must contain translations of the title of topics, abstracts of the article and keywords in English. The abstract and keywords must be written in 10 hc using Times New Roman.

4. Main text of the article

The articles must be typed in the Microsoft Word text editor in the following formats:*.docx. Font of an article should be Times New Roman. Text is fully justified without using automatic word break. Font size – 14, paragraph indention – 1 cm, Paragraph spacing should be 6 pt, A4 series, margin on all sides is 3 cm. There should be no break at the end of the line. The work must comply with the rules of grammar, and the use of punctuation marks and other spelling rules must be based on the Spelling Manual of the Turkish Language Association (Türk Dil Kurumu Yazım Kılavuzu). It is not recommended to use automatic numbering in the main text. The theme, scope, relevance, conclusion of the article, and other data must be presented at a scientifically sufficient level and in a unified form.

Title of the article

Be completely bold, every word must be capitalized.

Graphical elements: formulas, tables and photos

The formulas and tables must be numbered and presented as: Table-1, Figure-1 and Formula-1. Numbers and headings should appear below tables and figures. For tables, paragraph spacing should be 0 pt, line spacing should be 1 pt.

Appendix (table, figure and diagram)

If there are a large number of figures and tables from the text, the figure, table, diagrams are presented in an additional section, after the list of references.


When providing references in the article, APA style is used as a basis and the following approaches should be used:

Links, author's name in brackets, year of publication and pages of the article (Ercilasun, 2015, p. 157).

When citing more than one material, the authors should be placed in the same bracket, from the first edition to the new one, separated by a semicolon: (Arat, 1979, p. 54; Ercilasun, 2015, p. 157).

In materials with two or more authors, only the surname of the first author and the abbreviation “etc.” are indicated: (Yalçın vd., 2002, p. 56).

The name of the author, to which reference is made in the text, is written only the year of publication of the material, for example: Ivanov (2011, 42 pages), quotes on this topic...

In case of reference to article published by one author within one year, one letter is added to the year of publication of the article: (Ivanov, 2012a, p. 69), (Ivanov, 2012b, p. 163).

If the quoted arictle is transmitted through another article, the main source and the cited work are indicated as follows: (köprülü, 1911, taken from p. 75; Kartal, 2008, p. 60).

You should avoid using footnotes whenever possible, use them only for clarification, and in automatic numbering.

Links are given in quotation marks; Quotations of less than five lines should be written between the lines, and quotes longer than five lines should be written 2 cm to the right and left of the line, in blocks and single spaced, in 10-point font. APA style should be used when there is no any citations in the text.  

5. The List of References

Under the title "The List of References" the author is required to indicate surnames in alphabetical order.

a) books and works in book format

SURNAME, A. (year of publication). Book title. City of publication: Print title.

If the work was prepared by an editor or translator then at the end of the book it is given in parentheses as follows:

SURNAME, A. (year of publication). Book title. [manufacturer, editor (ed.) or translator (aud.) name and surname]. City of publication: publishing house. SURNAME.

If an article has two authors, follow the basic format for a journal reference. Place a comma after the first initial of the first author followed by an ampersand (&). Then, include the last name and first initial of the second author.

For papers with more than two authors, the first author is also written, for others it is shortened to “etc.”

The following approach is used for sections of the book:

SURNAME, A. (year of publication). "Chapter section title." Book title. (ed. Name and surname). City of publication: printed title. Page spacing.

b) Materials in periodicals

SURNAME, A. (year of publication). "Article title". Name of the magazine. Volume No. (Roman numeral)/No., page spacing.

c) Dissertations

SURNAME, A. (year of publication). Title of dissertation. City: University and Institute. (Unpublished doctoral thesis/Master's thesis)

d) Reports

SURNAME, A. (year of publication). "Title of the report". Symposium or congress (time). City: Publishing.

e) Manuscripts-

Author of the work. Title of the work. Saved library name/catalog number.

f) Abbreviations

Abbreviated words in the text are placed before the literature in letter order and are called “ABBREVIATION WORDS”.