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The "TURKIC WORLD RENEWAL PERIOD INTELLECTUAL MOVEMENTS INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM", which will be held in Turkistan and hosted by Khoja Akhmet Yassawi International Kazakh-Turkish University and Van Yüzüncü Yıl University, is a unique meeting that will address the innovation process and intellectual movements in a wide range from literature to history, language to political relations of the Turkish world.

The hybrid symposium will bring together academics, researchers and thinkers from different regions of the Turkish world to discuss the dynamics of the innovation process from the past to the present, intellectual movements and the impact of these processes on social, cultural and political structures.

Our participants will share their knowledge and experiences through academic presentations, panel discussions, and interactive sessions, seek solutions to common problems facing the Turkic world, and explore opportunities for cooperation in the protection and development of our common cultural heritage.

We invite researchers, academics and all those interested in the Turkic world to send their abstracts and register to participate in the TURKIC WORLD RENEWAL PERIOD INTELLECTUAL MOVEMENTS INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM

We would be honored to welcome you to this symposium, which will provide a comprehensive overview of the past, present, and future of the Turkic world.

Turks are an ancient nation living in a wide geography of the world today. The Turkish nation, which has founded many states, has been a pioneer in every era of history and has been the forerunner in the establishment, development and protection of many civilizations. The Turks, whose historical activities have been spread over a wide geographical area, have naturally created a rich cultural heritage. Today, the Turks, who continue their existence in the Turkish Republics, continue their cultural interactions in a wide geographical area.

It can be seen that there has been a serious rapprochement between the Turkic states in many fields in the recent period. One of the most important pillars of these relations, which are developing under the umbrella of the Organization of Turkic States, is the rapprochement in the fields of culture and art. In this relationship, which is based on a common history, literature and art are also the national assembly of Turkish feelings and thoughts. The fact that these relations, which were interrupted for a long time both by the Ottoman Empire taking its place in history and by the spread of the Soviet state system, are gaining momentum again today, promises a historic future. The concrete nature of this rapprochement can be ensured through joint cultural and academic studies between the Turkic states. Joint projects to be carried out between the Turkic world, joint congress / symposium activities to be organized will not only contribute to Turkic culture, but will also be instrumental in producing new projects and accelerating cultural exchanges by bringing scholars together.

In order for this rapprochement in the Turkic world to be carried out on a more solid foundation, it is necessary to seriously focus on the intellectual movements, literature, art and cultural changes, especially in the period of innovation. Because the first contacts and close relations established with the West have a serious impact on the cultural and historical transformation of today's Turkish world. On this occasion, it is necessary to mutually study the effects of the innovation movements in the Turkic world, especially in the world of ideas, literature, art, history and culture, and to carry out joint studies among Turkic states in this sense. As one of the steps of this, it will be useful to organize the TURKIC WORLD RENEWAL PERIOD INTELLECTUAL MOVEMENTS INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM as a partner of Khoja Akhmet Yassawi International Kazakh-Turkish University and Van Yüzüncü Yıl University on 29-31 May 2024.


  • Turkish World Literatures
  • Period of renewal in the Turkic world
  • Intellectual Movements of the Turkic World
  • Intellectual Architects of the Turkic World
  • Educational Reform in the Turkic World Gaspıralı Ismail Bey
  • Contemporary Turkish Writing Languages in the Renovation Period
  • Problems of Language, History and Culture in the Turkic World 
  • Press and Enlightenment in the Turkic World
  • Turkish Mythology and Turkish World
  • History of the Contemporary Turkic World
  • Turkic World and Political Relations
  • Tsarist Russia and Ottoman Relations in the Turkic World
  • Archaeological Studies in Central Asia

    The symposium will be held in Turkish, Kazakh, Russian and English.

The symposium is free of charge!